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College of Forestry, Ranichauri

Prof. Tara Singh Mehra
DEAN, College Of Forestry, Ranichauri
P.O. Ranichauri, Distt. Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand 249199
Phone: 01376-252138
E-Mail :

College of Forestry (CoF) is situated at Ranichauri in Tehri Garhwal District. The college is about 15 km away from New Tehri, 70 km from Rishikesh and 110 km from Dehradun on Rishikesh – New Tehri Road. It is spread over an area of 203 hectares consisting of forest, orchards and various research blocks at an altitude ranging between 1700 and 2200 m above msl. The geographical and climatic conditions of the region are considered to be suitable for different forest species, horticultural crops, off season vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants, minor millets and pulses.


The college has been entrusted with responsibilities of generating technology in forestry, hill agriculture and allied fields for the development of hill districts of the newly created state. It also run human resource development programmes, multidisciplinary research and technology transfer suitable to diverse hill agro-climatic conditions that are feasible for easy adoption by the local people and thereby help to improve their socio-economic status.


Keeping the need of sustainability of hill agriculture in view, the college was initially established as hill campus of G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology on the directives of Planning Commission of India with subsequent signing of MOU between Govt. of India and Govt. of Uttar Pradesh in 1972 and was formally inaugurated in 1976. However, the campus became fully operational in 1983 after getting strengthened with scientific manpower. Since then the college is functioning as one of the most reputed centers for research, education and extension in Uttarakhand. In 2011, the college came in the jurisdiction of newly created Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, Bharsar, Pauri Garhwal, now the name of university is changed as Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali  Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, Bharsar, Pauri Garhwal.


  • Development of human resource for forestry, agro-forestry, hill agriculture and allied sectors.
  • Development of location specific forestry/ agro-forestry models, and farming systems for hill agriculture.
  • Conservation and utilization of natural resources.
  • Processing and value addition of non-timber forest produce.
  • Developing watershed management models for hill region.
  • Mitigation of farmer-wild life conflict.
  • Capacity building for entrepreneurship/self employment.
  • Dissemination of technologies for the benefit of hill farmers, forest tribes, nomades etc.


The Frontier areas of the college include:-

  • Human Resource Development in the area of Forestry.
  • Development of technologies for the improvement in Forestry.
  • Capacity building for entrepreneurship/ self employment.
  • Dissemination of the technologies for the benefit of the region.
  • Production of Genuine and Quality planting material of different Forestry trees species along with important medicinal and aromatic plants.
  • Administrative Block
  • College Building
  • Library
  • Auditorium
  • Laboratories ( Forestry lab, Horticulture lab, Soil Science, Micro-biology,
  • Plant Disease Clinic
  • Farmer Advisory Service
  • Orchards
  • Research Blocks
  • Computer Center
  • Meteorological Observatory and Automatic Weather Station
  • Conference Hall
  • Hostels (Separate Hostels, two each for boys and girls)
  • Guest Houses
  • Farmers’ Hostel
  • Krishi Vigyan Kendra(KVK)
  • Telephone Exchange
  • 250 KVA Electric Power Generation System
  • Health Centre
  • Residences
  • Bal Manglam Primary School
  • Bank, Post Office & Shopping complex
  • Global Atmospheric Watch Station
  • Forest Nursery
  • Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Nursery
S.No Department Name Faculty Member Name Department Head / In-charge Mobile No / email
1 Silviculture and Agroforestry Dr. Chatar Singh Dhanai, Assistant Professor, Agro forestry In-charge


2 Forest Products and Utilization Mr. Pankaj Lal, Assistant Professor, Forest Products and Utilization In-charge


3 Basic and Social Sciences Dr. Manoj Kumar Riyal, Assistant Professor, Physics In-charge


4 Forest Resources Management Prof. Jagdish Chandra Kuniyal,  NRM Head of Department



5 Forest Biology and Tree Improvement Dr. R.S. Bali, Assistant Professor, Tree Improvement In-charge


College of Forestry, Ranichauri offers Graduate and Post Graduate Programmes in discipline of Forestry.

Courses Offered :-

Under Graduate Programme :- B.Sc. (Hons) Forestry – 4yrs

Post-Graduate Programme    :- The University offers Five Post-Graduate programmes leading to Masters degree in :

  1. M.Sc (Forestry) Agro-Forestry -2 yrs
  2. M.Sc (Forestry) Silviculture – 2yrs
  3. M.Sc (Forestry) Tree improvement – 2yrs
  4. M.Sc (Forestry) Forest Products and Utilization – 2yrs
  5. M.Sc (Forestry) Seed Science & Technology – 2yrs

Every year the College admits, a maximum of 80 students: 40 under- graduates 30 Post- Graduate students. On an average, the College has around 250 students on its rolls, of which girl students constitute nearly 65 percent. The University admits the students to UG Programme through Entrance Examination, based on the rank obtained in the common entrance examination.

The intake capacity of the students to the various degree programmes are as :-

Degree Programme Annual Intake Capacity
Under Graduate B.Sc. Forestry (Hons.) 40
Post- Graduate
M.Sc (Forestry) Agroforestry 06
M.Sc (Forestry) Silviculture 06
M.Sc (Forestry) Tree improvement 06
M.Sc (Forestry) Forest Products and Utilization 06
M.Sc (Forestry) Seed Science & Technology 06
S.NO. Faculty Name Designation Discipline
1. Dr. Tara Singh Mehra DEAN Forestry
2. Prof. Vinod Prasad Khanduri Professor Silviculture
3. Prof. Arvind Bijalwan Professor Agroforestry
4. Prof. Saraswati Prakash Sati Professor Environmental Science
5. Prof. Amol Vasishth Professor Forest Product & Utilization
6. Prof. Jagdish Chandra Kuniyal Professor Agroforestry/NRM
7. Dr. Ajay Kumar Junior Research Officer/ Assistant Professor Agronomy
8. Dr. Chatar Singh Dhanai Assistant Professor Agroforestry
9. Dr. Deepa Rawat Assistant Professor Soil Science
10. Dr.Taufiq Ahmad Assistant Professor Extension Education
11. Dr. Manoj Kumar Riyal Assistant Professor Physics
12. Dr. Rajendara Singh Bali Assistant Professor Tree Improvement
13. Dr. Arunima Paliwal Junior Research Officer/ Assistant Professor Agronomy
14. Mr. Pankaj Lal Assistant Professor Forest Product & Utilization
15. Dr. Sneha Dobhal Assistant Professor Silviculture
16. Mr. Indra Singh Assistant Professor Silviculture
17. Dr. Bhupendra Singh Butola Assistant Professor Silviculture/Tree Improvement
18. Dr. Pankaj Kumar Assistant Professor Genetics and Plant Breeding
19. Dr. Reena Joshi Assistant Professor Agroforestry
20. Mr. Prakash Singh Negi Assistant Professor Forest Management
21. Dr. Anand Singh Bisht Assistant Professor Environmental Science/Climate Science
22. Dr. Sanjeev Ravi Assistant Professor Pathology
23. Dr. Ekta Belwal Assistant Professor Food Science & Technology/Human Nutrition
24. Mr. Atul Kumar Assistant Professor Forest Products & Utilization
25. Dr. Uday Bhanu Pratap Assistant Professor Forest Products & Utilization/Phytochemistry
26. Dr. Vijay Kumar Yadav Assistant Professor Wildlife Management
27. Dr. Bijendra Lal Assistant Professor Medicinal & Aromatic Plants
28. Ms. Vaishnavi Uniyal Assistant Professor Medicinal & Aromatic Plants
29. Dr. Rashmi Thapliyal Chamoli Assistant Professor Agroforestry
30. Dr. Aman Dabral Assistant Professor Forest Biology & Tree Improvement
31. Er. Vipin Kumar Assistant Professor Computer Application/Artificial Intelligence
32. Dr. Shikha Tamta Assistant Professor Animal Husbandry
33. Dr. Pankaj Thakur Assistant Professor Eco-tourism
34. Dr. Shweta B. Kukreti Assistant Professor Wood Science & Technology
35. Dr. Sanyam Munaula Assistant Professor Silviculture
36. Dr. Padam Singh Assistant Professor (Contractual) Agricultural Engineering
37. Dr. Rajesh kumar Prasad Teaching Personnel Botany
38. Dr. Indu Bisht Teaching Personnel Sociology
39. Er. Arpan Rao Technical Officer Computer
40. Er. Saurabh Singh Rawat Technical Officer Computer
41. Mr. Anil Rawat Physical Instructor Physical Education

The library and information unit of this campus closely supports education and research in the areas of Forestry, Horticulture and vegetable Sciences, Crop improvement, seed sciences, and other allied agricultural discipline. The library is housed in beautiful top floor of collage building and offers excellent environment for studies. It has great track record in providing quality information services to campus Community within our limited resources consisting of more than 20000 documents and e-resources. The library has the credit of being pioneer in introducing latest information technology to automate its services in the Tehri Garhwal region. The automation operation was initiated as early as in the year 1999. Currently the entire learning resources of the library has been automated for electronic retrieval by creating an in-house database searchable through an OPAC . For better management of learning resources, increased security and control over inventory Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) a new generation of auto Identification and data automation process has been installed recently. We are proud of our innovation in service development and in delivering the best services information services driven by continuous improvement


Digital Thesis Collection:

Thesis collection of College of Forestry may accessible by the users in krishikosh website. The entire thesis collection of the year 2015 & onwards is accessible in digital form via this platform. The purpose of this current initiative is to improve accessibility and digital preservation of research work carried out by M.Sc. Students of College of Forestry.


In-house Thesis Collection:

In house thesis collection may accessible by the library users in CD form and print form as well. To more information library patrons may contact to the Circulation / Technical Section of the library.
Users may access the e-thesis collection in e-resource section of the library.
Users may access the print thesis collection in reference & periodical section of the library.
Thesis Database- College of Forestry, Ranichauri.


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