Dr Ajay Kumar Joshi
Dean, College of Horticulture, Bharsar
VCSG Uttarakhand University of Horticulture & Forestry,
Bharsar-246 123, District -Pauri Garhwal
Uttarakhand, India
Phone:+91-1348-226071, 297908 (Office)
Fax:+ 91-1348-226058,
Email: deanhortbharsar@gmail.com / deancoh@uuhf.ac.in
Brief Resume
Dr AK Joshi did his B.Sc. (Agriculture) from HPKVV, COA, Solan in 1984, M.Sc. and Ph.D. in the discipline of Vegetable Science from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana in 1986 and 1990, respectively. In June 1990, Dr Joshi had started his professional career as Assistant Scientist (Vegetable Science) from Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (HP) where he was actively engaged in teaching and research work. In April 2008 he entered into administration and served as Associate Director (R&E) for a period of 14 years at Regional Horticultural Research & Training Station, Dhaulakuan, Sirmour (HP). Simultaneously he took over charge as Professor and Head, Department of Vegetable Science, at UHF Nauni, Solan. He was appointed as dean of College of Horticulture and Forestry, Thunag (Mandi). He had been deputed Officer on Special Duty to the Vice Chancellor of the Parmar UniversitywefAug 6, to Sept.30, 2022 and later on held the position of the Students Welfare Officer.Presently he is holding the reins as Dean of College of Horticulture, VCSG UttrakhandUniversity of Horticulyure and Forestry, Bharsar, PauriGarhwal, Uttrakhand.
Dr Joshi is a breeder, who has dexterously developed two hybrids of Capsicum (Solan Hybrid-I & Solan Hybrid-II), one open pollinated variety of Chilli(DKC-8), one genic male sterile line of Chilli(DKC-2363), eight CMS lines of bell-pepper, isolated five maintainer lines, carrying Nmsms gene in capsicum and has adopted/recommended two cultivars of Cabbage (Pusa Mukta) and French bean (Arka Komal) for general cultivation. Besides vegetables, he has also played pivotal role in the adoption of improved cultivars of flower crops namely Chrysanthemum (standard-5, spray-9), Dahlia (13), Gerbera (4), native ornamentals (15 species) and adopted many varieties of fruits like Grapefruit (1), Sweet orange (1), Guava (1), Mango (1), Litchi (2) and Strawberry (2) for general cultivation in the state. His work on meadow orchard in guava was recognized at national level. Eleven improved lines have been registered with NBPGR (ARIS Cell) viz. Chilli (IC-0644042 & 43), Cabbage (IC-0644730, 31, 32 & 33), Cauliflower (IC-0644734 & 35), Cucumber (IC-0644736) and Carrot (IC-0644737 & 38).
While working on AICRP project, Dr Joshi has made nine recommendations on vegetable seed technology, which were accepted at national level. Five recommendations on vegetable agronomy have been accepted in the HP State level Agricultural Officer’s workshop for the adoption of farmers and included in package of practices in vegetable crops. Prof. Joshi has developed a worth mentioning sunken nursery bed technology both for vegetables and flower nursery and domesticated 25 number of Himalayan native ornamental species. He was also instrumental in standardizing the production technology of round the year cultivation of marigold, induction of short days in chrysanthemum, propagation of domesticated ornamentals, PGPR consortium for strawberry runner production, wedge grafting in mango and meadow orchard crop geometry.
He has accomplished various externally funded research projects as Principal Investigator (15) and Co-Principal Investigator (22), besides the state funded projects (14). Not only this, he has guided subordinate scientists for fetching funds through (14 out of 58) externally funded projects on different disciplines of horticulture, worth Rs. 182.502 lakhs.
He has taught 13 courses, 34 times, on Vegetable Sciences. Theses, of other universities, have also been evaluated by him and invariably involved in paper setting at graduate level. His career, spanning over nearly 32 years in teaching, research and extension including administration, has been a loving teacher who has guided 8 M.Sc. students as major advisor and 12 students as minor advisor.
Dr. Joshi has played pivotal role in disseminating the technology to the end users. In the task accomplishment, he has conducted 12 adaptive trials, two kisan melas, 130 trainings at village level, 23 farmer-scientist interactions and diagnostics (on-campus 273, off campus 149). Technology has also been dispersed through radio/Tv talks (17), lectures delivery to trainers (24), pesticide dealers (11) and farmers (286) and telephonic conversations (calls 333, whatsapp30). Remarkable task has been done on participatory research appraisals (PRAs) in 26 panchayats and displayed exhibitions on 12 occasions under his supervision.
Prof. Joshi has published 69 research papers, 02 review articles in various national and international reputed journals, three book chapters, 12 popular articles and 11 technical bulletins on various aspects of horticulture. Five books viz., Apriori of Agriculture to Rural Society (ISBN: 978-620-0-00867-1), Production Technology of Strawberry (ISBN:978-93-5281-951-5), Native Flowers of Western Himalayas-their conservation & domestication (ISBN:978-93-5407-032-7), Vegetable Breeding- A practical guide and Production Technology of Spices in Himachal Pradesh (Hindi & English), have also been published. Besides publications, he has presented 51 papers in various symposiums/conferences. He has delivered lead lectures on four occasions.
Prof. Joshi carries the feather of Founder Fellow of Indian Society of Hill Agriculture in his cap. He is life member of Horticultural society of India and Society for the Advancement of Human and Nature. He has rendered his services as an expert nationally in scrutinizing DRDO projects, reviewing papers, member of selection committees, panelist with state and national science councils and designated as chairman/ co-chairman/ rapporteur in numerous conferences/ seminars.
He possesses exquisite skills. He played pivotal role in expanding the wings of the regional station by way of upgrading the status of the sub-station to RHRTS and acquisition of researchable farm land of 122.04 bighas. He has played key role in the establishment of College of Horticulture and Forestry, Thunag (Mandi). MoU with FRI Dehradun for the exchange of students, faculty and commissioning of joint projects have also been signed.
He has been conferred with 14Letters of Appreciation and four Best Poster Awards at national and international level for his versatile functioning.